Our learning mode features enhanced 1-on-1 class session on any course, subject or topic of your choice
Choose from our special list of courses, and tutors, with your freedom to schedule at your own time . You can use the search box or browse according to course categories, subjects, topics and tutors.
With our learning mode, you can purchase a course or topic for a private class session. You need to register a free user account to make any purchase on TutorKids
Depending on your selection, make the respective payment to schedule a live tuition with your preferred subject expert.
Once you make your payment, you can access your course or attend your a live session with the selected tutor at the scheduled time.
Once you purchase a course, you get lifetime access to it on your learner dashboard. Learn at your own pace and time without worrying about traveling to the classrooms or being late for lectures.
We know how important it is to take notes in live classes, but we want you to focus on the learning and forget about notes. Notes can be made at any time, as we provide lifetime access to recorded sessions of every lecture or webinar you purchase.
Register as a learner today to get access to tons of courses, lectures, tutors, and webinars. Transform your life through continuous learning at your own comfort.
Browse for courses, look for tutors, and attend webinars